Grace + Peace Church seeks the renewal of Colorado Springs by connecting with God, caring for others, and cultivating in the city for the glory of Jesus Christ.


Sunday Morning

We meet Sundays at 9am and 10:45am at The Warehouse Restaurant, 25 W Cimarron St.

Sundays at Grace + Peace are vibrant, confessional, liturgical and modern as we worship our Lord in song, sacrament and preaching. It’s not a rock show or a TED talk… we preach expositionally from the Bible and sing songs together that help grow our faith. The communion table is front and center and we feast on it every week.

Children’s Church is offered during the 9am and 10:45am services. Nursery is also available during both services.

Watch recent services online.


Get Connected

We use the Church Center app to communicate and join our City Groups, Cohort Groups, and other activities. Please download it for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for “grace and peace” and connect with us!

You can also sign up for our weekly Thursday emails here: